These are the two group classes I currently offer. 

Constructive Rest Series

A 5 week online series of live 60 minute sessions guiding you through gentle mobilisation, massage and passive release to move you towards stillness and deep rest. Learn simple, powerful and practical skills to invite relaxation and release for deeper, nourishing rest.  The ultimate deep release session like no other you will find on the internet! This 5 week series coincides with daylight saving ending and the transition to darker evenings and shorter days.  Always a challenging time of year, in the UK, this is when live gets busy which feels totally out of sync with the natural rhythms and cycle of our bodies.  To support this transition, I am offering these classes to provide you with the skills to create profound rest and release in your body.  Not just lying down - these classes will include guided movement and bolstering techniques to target the places in your body that hold on the most.  Release and relaxation will only come when your nervous system registers safety in the form of support. Props like bolsters and soft balls used in very specific ways help coax the body into a relaxed state.  This is the art of bolstering. A simple yet profoundly effective technique that will leave you feeling like you have literally sunk into the floor.  Have trouble winding down? Find it difficult lying down on the floor without experiencing back pain? Prolapse symptoms showing up?  Racing mind?  Join me for a guided deeply chilled out series of classes to get you climbing into bed for deep restorative sleep and integration!

£90.00 GBP